Is it me or is the month of April moving rapidly? Some days I feel like I can't keep the days of the week straight, for me that's one of the draw backs of not working outside the home any longer. I do know today is (Good) Friday the beginning of the Easter weekend, which means traffic gets a little heavier, the supermarket gets busier and the beaches will be full of tourist here in Florida. Spring has settled in for it's brief time before the heat of summer arrives here in Florida.
This month has me planning a few new embroidery projects to keep me busy a few of my own designs and a few kits to fill in on days when I either need a break from a project or to fill in while I am preparing fabric and gathering floss for a project.
Last week while shopping at Joann's to pick up a few craft supplies for my great niece Tessa, I came across a display of Zenbroidery kits and floss packs.
Tree and Sewing mandala kits |
You may recall I posted this Peace Symbol Zenbroidery kit I purchase online a few weeks ago,
Peace Symbol Zenbroidery |
I just love it and I know it will be quite colorful, (a few other members in The Year in Stitches 2017 challenge are doing the same kit). So when I found an entire section in the embroidery supplies aisle filled with Zenbroidery kits I had to buy a few, and those 40% and 50% coupons made them such a bargain. The kit includes pre-printed fabric and needle only. I did purchase 2 floss embellishment packets which includes embroidery thread/floss, sequins, beads and beading thread, which I will pass
embellishments and floss packets |
to Tessa she's 4 and loves all those glittery bits and bobs for crafts, they will work nice with the stack of felt I gave her, she is such a sweet child you should have heard her excitement when she opened her package and saw the little pink scissors, squealing "My own scissors, aunt Debbie gave me my own scissors." I wish I had my camera out to record her excitement and her happy dance the scissor handles was all she saw but my she was one happy child.
The most recent hand embroidery piece I am working on is a Venus of Willendorf, which is going
stitching begins |
to be a prayer flag or banner I haven't decided quite yet, I am stitching her on a neutral paisley print
cotton fabric using mostly 2 strands of DMC floss.