It's been weeks since I have posted between the problem with my knee and sitting at my desk too long aggravating it I spend as little time as necessary at the computer which is usually just to print labels for the days shipping commitments. Knowing that sitting in my desk chair irritates my knee and sciatic nerve I decided I need to buy a laptop so that I can sit more comfortably while being productive and keep the healing of my knee going.
Yesterday was the first time in nearly a week I had some free time so I spent some time putting up the Yule tree, prepared the little goddesses for hanging on the branches with some nifty spiral hooks.
These little goddesses are actually pendants I have purchased over the years from this wonderful Etsy shop. Brigid's Grove here is the link
I have quite a few of Molly's other goddesses and after the holidays plan to add a few more as the shop is closed until January 10th. Brigid's Grove also has an informative website where you can join the free Creative Spirit Circle
If you follow a Goddess path or are interested in Goddess Spirituality this site is for you to check out.
The Yule tree is decorated with snowflakes, animals, goddesses and pendulum crystals. At the top of the tree is a small goddess and a stag head.
You may have trouble making it out the goddess at the top with those blinding white lights, but she is there atop the stags head.
I finished the hand embroidery on the latest Greenman piece he needs to be pressed once the holidays
have passed and I have more time I will finish him along with the Greenwoman piece, I think matching frames.
I am slowly working on the Celtic Cross embroidery but again with business taking priority over everything I have made very little progress.
I bought this sweet goddess clock for my office area and once it arrived order a few more for some friends. The clock was purchased from Society 6.
A brief garden update, the lavender is doing very well and I added an olive tree and a rosemary in a tree shape.
olive tree |
rosemary "tree" |
lavender |
Tonight the plants are all covered up as the temps are dropping to 34 tonight and frost is possible, here in Florida I take no chances and cover them because too often I have left plants uncovered and have had the temps dropped below freezing which resulted in a loss of plants. This is the second time I have covered the plants this month.
On my bookshelf to read pile I am finishing up a few books when I get the chance to read, usually in the evening before bed.
I also added a few card decks to my collection, the Herbcrafter's Tarot is just a lovely deck of cards I had used them through the month of October to deepen my practice.
I haven't had time to really look at either of these sets but once the hew year arrives and I have more time I will give them a closer look. Well the hour is getting late and I have a few things to do before the Winter Solstice. I will leave you with this little blessing.