As you know over the past year and a month I have been ill and sadly enough this blog has been neglected. Still no answers yet as to what and why the pain began, all my test have been negative, no sign of cancer or tumors, and problems that were thought to have been have improved.
So on Thursday, the 22nd I saw my cardiologist and after a two hour visit I have come home with a laundry list of tests i need to have, so just about every week in May and June I will be having some kind of test. The last appointment is on July 1, my birthday, and believe it or not its listed as: F/U cardiac testing, is this an omen? I believe it translates to Follow UP cardiac test. Anyway I’m happy to say I have been having more good pain free days, but not enough as I see it. I’m sick if hurting. Those days render me pretty much useless, and I have too much to do to spend my days lying down.
Here is what I have been up to lately on my good days, after packing and shipping the daily sales from the Amazon and Ebay stores, I clean house and then I usually read a bit, do some stitching, water the plants.
Last week I pulled out a few old issues of Sage Woman magazine, in the early days publication was pretty regular and the issues arrived quarterly. As years passed publication was a crap shoot, one year you would get 4 issues the next 3. This year I haven’t received a single issue, the last issue was due out August 2020.
My progress on the March Goddess hand embroidery has been slow going I have made some progress on the faces and started the hands. When I finish the hands I will put it aside to get the April goddess finished, I am enjoying this little challenge I made for myself.
This one is the newest from Brigid’s Grove meant to represent Persephone, I love the color and I am partial to these little figurines and in fact just ordered another one in a lovely green. I don’t always keep the goddess as depicted in the description and have quite a few without the belts, whatever goddess I feel a devotion for at the time my goddess will represent. I began taking part in the Brigid’s Grove Living the Questions and also the 30 Days of Goddess Devotion but somehow lost track of what I was doing in March, so I order the pre-printed journal and expected it to arrive for April 1st unfortunately with the postal delays we had this year it wasn’t delivered until the 9th, so I will try again in May, and I also purchased the 2nd edition of the pre-printed journal so I can continue on in June. An idea I had was to print out the pages Molly has generously given us and on my birthday I will do the goddess devotion journal for the entire year.
I plan to set it up either in a scrap book or a 3-ring binder, I haven’t decided yet but I have lots of periodicals to snip from, a stack of old We’moon date book calendars full of lovely goddess images, quotes, etc. I had planned on taking my goddess devotions deeper this year and this journal project through Brigid’s Grove has really helped me with that.
Above are a few books that I have been reading are oldies from the past but so appropriate for the goddess devotional and delving deeper. And a bit of tea with the goddess is always a nice treat, the older books are 365 Goddess by Patricia Telesco, The Goddess Celebrates edited by Diane Stein is an anthology of women’s rituals, written by the foremothers of the goddess spirituality movement and the gem in all by Marija Gimbutas The Language of the Goddess, and right on top is the Whole and Holy a Goddess Devotional by Molly Remer.
Here is a link to Brigid’s Grove if you are interested check it out
I have to transplant a few plants into large pots today, I am late again but oh so hopeful that I will have better luck this year since I have more good says. I would love to put in some raised beds but bending forward causes too much pain so planting in containers this year will have to be enough.
Before I post this here is the completed February goddess the Cailleach, she turned out lovely. I added a quartz crystal to the staff and used a twisted jump ring at the center of her belt. The use of the DMC Etoile floss with the bits of metallic thread was a great choice and gives me the icy effect I was hoping for. I love the look of the spiral fabric she is stitched on and will probably use it for another goddess or two through the year.
Well that’s what I have been up to lately. How is your month going?