Thursday, February 10, 2022

February Moves Along

The month of February moves along with a mixed bag of weather here in Florida. We have had days in the high 80’s and nights into the mid 20’s, a near week of rain, a day of sunshine and clouds and more rain. Today, the sun was out, the air was brisk and winter Cailleach is trying hard to hold fast to her grasp as the days go by.

This image goes through my head after the warm sunny days turn to frost covered mornings.  Spring waits quietly knowing her time will come when she will once again emerge from the deep clutches of winter's icy grasp.

This evening I captured a bit of the sunset splashing across the sky in lovely shades of pale pink. 

While the moon hangs high above my house shining bright in the last hours of daylight. 
Last week I had my check up with my cardiologist and he has suggested a treatment to help the minor blood vessel work a little harder to pump blood throughout my body since I have some many obstructed arteries.
I am only posting a photo of the machine not the video which squeezes the cuffs on my legs and jerks the bed to the beat of my heart.  I went for my first session on Monday, and my last session too.  I was fine while on the machine for the first 45 minutes, the last 15 minutes my left leg started to feel pain.  Once the session was done I walk out, drove home and was fine. An hour later I could barely walk and the next morning I hurt so bad I could barely move, I swear that treatment did some realignment to my spine my hips ached for 2 days.  So I decided these session were not for me.  For one reason I sure don't need any more knee pain or back problems. Second reason is the normal treatment is 35 1 hour  consecutive visits, my doctor scheduled me for 4 session and I would see him in June. What are 4 treatments out of 35 going to do.  I swear he just tossed this at me for something new to do.  I need to get a see another cardiologist, I don't feel he communicates well with me and seems to hold back information.  

I haven't done any stitching since I completed the Three Fates piece, I have 2 projects on fabric waiting I just haven't been in the mood to stitch.  I've been busy purging a few things I haven't used for a while and getting some reading in.  I am currently reading: 
And I'm about halfway through Yemaya:

Tuesday, February 1, 2022