Winds of March, we welcome you.
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the Winter cold away!
Well the biopsy was done on Feb. 26th finally after waiting since July to get some answers, now I just wait for results and go from there.I just ordered the Kathy Schmitz Bunny Bunch panel from Spoonflower, I thought it would be a nice addition to the Ostara decorations. They only had it in green which is fine for what I am planning to do with it. I will use spring colors for the embroidery.
I am still working on the winter goddess slow stitch piece which seems to be taking me forever to stitch. I am just about done with the horizontal stitches, with a few strips on the head and the arm to complete. Then I will start the vertical stitches so she is secured and ready to be cut off the fabric and added to the background fabric so I can embellish it. I would like to have this done before Spring arrives but I am not sure that will happen. We have much going on here and some days I'm too tired to see what I am stitching.Well that's about it for now, lately I tire easily and sitting is still a bit uncomfortable for long periods of time after the biopsy, not from the procedure, its the after effects of the medication that causing the cramping.