Monday, February 10, 2025

Where Does The Time GO?

 How are we on the 10th of February? (I have become so neglectful of my blog posting) It seems like only yesterday I was lighting a candle for Imbolc and bringing in a few yards of fabric I had lain about the shrubs for Brigid's blessing.   Here is a little info of why I do this:

It is believed that On midwinter’s eve (Imbolc) place a piece of linen or cloth outside. You could also lay out a shawl. It is said that on this night Brigid travels all over the land and if she sees this cloth she will bless it and give it healing powers.

Here is a blessing you can use when laying out your cloth: Let the cloth of life be mended. Let the thread be linked again, restored, cleansed. May we be blessed, and through our lives, Bless.

I will use this cloth as I have throughout the years for projects like these hand embroidery pieces I made over the years, both prayer flags for friends in need at the time. 

I finally have the consultation with the Gyn at Shands hospital on the 13th, I was so relieved when I  finally heard back, I've been waiting since Oct. 7th to have yet another D&C and biopsy.  Because of the blood thinners I take my Gyn thought it best to have this done at Shand's hospital rather than in the office surgery center.  I am considered high risk, I think I will be considered higher risk because of the Atrial Fibrillation which is nearly constant.  Either way I just want it done because at 69 having a menstrual cycle after being in menopause for over a decade just sucks.  You can not imagine how I wished I had the hysterectomy back in 1999 when the endometriosis was so bad, if it's an option now I will take it because I don't want to keep having to go back for another D&C or having periods at 80.

So far this year I have read the following books:

We had snow in the Florida panhandle Pensacola getting about 5 inches, I only wished it would have come down to the north central area, we did have some deep freeze days.  Now we are in the mid 80's with upper 80's by the end of the week.
Even though the day has passed, I wish you all a Blessed Imbolc.  I tend to see Imbolc as a seasonal time and not just a day.  The image is one of my favorites by Bonny Hut.  Spring is in the air, even if the ground hog saw his shadow.  The daylight hours are growing longer.

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