Friday, January 27, 2017

What I have been doing so far in January

Wow the 27th of January, this month has been flying by and my lack of posting for the past few weeks sows me how busy I've been.

The first week of January I was recovery from a nasty bout of bronchitis that hit me during Yule week which made me so darn tired I put all my energy into what had to be done so I could rest, I didn't want this to last for 7 weeks like it did last Spring.

Once I was feeling better and able to get around more I resumed my stitching projects and this week I have a Brigid's Cross in the making and should have embroidery done by the weekend.
The winter goddess has finally been started, is coming along slowly and I think she will be a fine addition to my other hand embroidered goddess pieces. She is an Urban Threads pattern.
The newest Greenman is in the hoop and ready for the stitching to begin I have most of the embroidery floss colors chosen but while I stitch I tend to make changes.
Aside from hand embroidery I have ventured back into my beading and jewelry making supplies and will have a few pieces to post soon.  When my fingers are too sore to stitch or bend wires I hit the bookshops and library.
This week I have two new books on my reading table the first book is a gift from a friend she is just coming into the Goddess path and thought it would be nice if we could read and discuss.
The little gardening book I ordered after several of my friends posted the book on their Facebook pages, I have hopes of finding a few quick tips for days when my body doesn't have the stamina to be in the garden for 6 hours, I miss those days so much but my body began to feel the heat and humidity
about two years ago so spending an entire day in the garden is no more because it takes me too long for my body to recover. Speaking of the garden my rhododendron showed its first buds last week and
even after the tornado like winds and warnings all of the blooms are intact.
My poinsettia is doing very nicely after being put outside I even forgot to cover it when the temps dropped below freezing earlier in the month.
My lemon and lime trees have beautiful buds and are so fragrant it won't be long till there are some bees buzzing around.
This week I'll spend a few mornings clearing up the fallen twigs from the storm, doing some weeding and cleaning out the beds so I can start my spring planting.
Well that's what I have been doing so far for January, I getting prepared for Imbolc and on the 31st will be attending a wire wrapping class to refresh my skills since I haven't done wire wrapping in quite some time.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post, so nice to see photos of what you're working on!
