Weeks have passed since my last post, things have been a bit off kilter here with some good and not so good events:
In February my son announced his engagement to a wonderful young woman and they spent 2 weeks in Ireland in early March and a few days after they came home it was time for social distancing. Then at the end of March a sudden painful colitis episode hit me so hard, vomiting throughout the night caused some dehydration and unbearable pain sent me to the hospital for IV antibiotics and fluids due to an infection in my intestines, recovery is slow going and my energy levels are depleted.
I did get a few hand embroidery projects completed, the Celtic Cross and a new piece for the Drum and Dance series.
Celtic Cross |
Drums |
Right before I went to the hospital I purchased a few plants for my garden with the intention of transplanting them over the weekend instead I was laid low with constant pain and could barely water the plants.
Jasmine |
Hibiscus |
Native Honeysuckle |
Lantana |
green beans |
Tomato |
Lemon Balm |
Oregano chives sage basil thyme |
Needless to say while in the hospital the plants weren't watered for 3 days, I was thrilled the day before I was discharged that it rained however most of the pots fell over from the wind so didn't get much water.
It was touch and go for a few days and the plants were looking quite bedraggled and I sure was hoping for the best.
As of today most of the plants are doing well, and yesterday we had a full day and night of rain which continued through the morning and the plants are looking good.
The hibiscus keeps blooming though has fallen over a few times, the jasmine is full of flowers and the gardenia shrub is blooming and the herbs are doing much better. Once I am recovered enough I plan to transplant most of the plants into larger pots. Right now I barely have the energy to carry the watering can but I am optimistic.
I have a few pieces to hand embroider though no energy to place a single stitch. The doctor said it can be weeks till I am fully recovered so I am being as patient as possible.
I made a few little goddess dolls right before I got sick using felt and beads and yarn.
And crafted a smudge stick for Beltane using bay leaf, cedar, rosemary and juniper tied with purple yarn and an amethyst.
Well that's all I have for now I tire easily so it's time I go rest.
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