I just pre-ordered 3 new craft books set to release in the Autumn 2 in
October and 1 in November. The Crocheting Witch and Fiber Magick are
fiber/needle arts. The Witchcrafting Handbook includes crafts, recipes,
and creative projects for you and your home.
As a practitioner of Stitch Craft I am looking forward to these 3
books. The first book The Crocheting Witch by RJ Montgomery is
described as A quick reference for people specifically looking to
incorporate crochet into their craft, The Crocheting Witch is a guide to
using different types of stitch pattern, materials, herbal and
essential-oil infusions, beads, and charms to create a variety of
The Fiber Magick book by Opal Luna is described as it provides
many ways to enhance your magick through fiber arts. Discover the tools
of the trade, the power of color, and a variety of weaving, braiding,
and knotting methods. Learn how to use sigils, deities, and
correspondences in your practice. I believe this is similar to how
I incorporate magical intentions to the things I create by adding a bit
of spell work or chanting my intention for the person I am making the
item for.
The Witchcrafting Handbook by Helena Garcia is described as a new
book to help you witch-craft your way to a more magical life, with
creative projects for you and your home. Over 70 projectsfor stylish witches to make at home.
The last crafts book for Witches I purchased was Sew Witchy by
Raechel Henderson, I bought it in March 2020 right before I became ill.
Other crafting books for witches I have on my shelf are:
Witchy Crafts by Lexa Olick
Witch Crafts by Willow Polson
The Crafty Witch by Willow Polson
Magical Needlework by Dorothy Morrison
Recently I added 2 embroidery books to my witch crafty shelves:
Magical Stitches by Christi Johnson
Embroidery Now by Jennifer Cardenas Riggs (not necessarily pagan centered)
My progress on the July goddess of the Month embroidery was stalled
for a few weeks so once again I am playing catch up. The July goddess
is Isis and I am currently working on the wings.
I would like to have the stitching completed soon but illness and heart
surgery, cardiac rehab has pretty much taken up most of my energy so I
don’t stitch daily and when I do stitch it isn’t for very long.
Last week I began Cardiac Rehab at the Advent Health Wellness Center , why I am in Cardiac rehab on my July 21st I had two stents put into my heart artery to clear a
blockage, there are two blockages in my carotid arteries but before they
can put in stents a neurosurgeon has to sign off on the procedure so
for now I will see how the blood thinners work.
The week before I started the rehab I went for the initial evaluation where height and weight
Blood Pressure and a few simple exercises were used for evaluation so a
plan can be made and the doctor could sign off on it before I got
started. The exercise was simple, do as many dumbbell curls as I could
in 30 seconds-15, get up and sit down in a chair for 30 seconds-11 and
walk 8 feet back to the starting point. All the while wearing a heart
monitor, which I wear during my sessions.
The first day I arrived at Noon and before I knew it I was hooked up to a
little heart monitor that I wore in a pouch around my neck. Blood
pressure was checked and then it was onto this beast of a machine.
Which wasn’t a beast at all, it is a recumbent cross trainer and for
thirty odd minutes I did a mix of legs/arms, just arms and then just
legs. I forgot to bring my little notebook to log what I am doing but I
do remember. I managed 15 minutes arms and legs moving together, than 9
minutes just moving the arms back and forth, and then 11 minutes just
legs, I was just starting to sweat when it was time to stop. I am
sure I am going to feel it later today and tomorrow but that’s fine with
me just moving more in a monitored environment has given me a
confidence boost, I realize last week when I did a 30 minute walk at the
park how nervous I was walking.
On the days I don't have a session at the Wellness Center for rehab I will take a walk in one of the local parks to keep the momentum of
movement so that once I am working out on a regular schedule again I
will have worked through those beginning aches and pains.
I found a new to me magazine Saturday when I was checking out at the local
Earth Fare store. I came home and read it cover to cover. I liked it so
much I subscribed to it.
For me this New Moon has me trying hard to regain my health and recover from the latest surgery. I begin cardiac rehab on Wednesday August 11th at Noon, I am really looking forward to getting in some movement. I have been taking short walks when my energy allows and hopefully the rehab will have me back to taking my daily morning walks again soon.
In the down time when I am not working on hand embroidery I have been reading a two older books of Goddesses for each day. I have deepened my journey on the goddess path this year. I recently read Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz and Entering Hekate's Garden by Cindi Brannen, I enjoyed both of them.
While taking a short walk today at Silver Springs State Park I snapped a few photos along the way.
It was a clear and sunny morning with several kayaks on the water, there were a few flowering trees in bloom and the crystal clear springs had some lively fish unfortunately I missed them jumping out of the water.
After my walk I stopped at Earth Fare to pick up a few veggies and a new to me magazine that I happily subscribed to after reading it.
I love the magazine has two different covers, I nearly bought two issues thinking one was an older issue when I checked the binding to see the issue number they were both the same, then I realized it was a flip cover.
Much has happened in the last few months, my health and energy has been like a rollercoaster ride with no end in sight.
July began with me turning 66 on the 1st and a tropical storm brewing
in the air. The Florida hurricane season began June 1st with the usual
afternoon rain showers then turned heavier as tropical storms brewed in
the Gulf and Atlantic. We have had rain every day this month and one
day out of the last 10 was rain free. Such is the weather in semi
tropical climate.
On the health front my appointment with the cardiologist was on the
morning of my birthday and the news wasn’t too great. I have
obstructions in both the left and right carotid arteries which will need
stents most likely, also in an artery to my heart. I am currently
waiting for the surgeon’s office to call with appointment details which I
should hear from them by the end of this week. The other concern is
raising my heart rate which has been in the upper 40’s for nearly a
year, to start one of my blood pressure medications has been reduced
again this time from 50 mg once a day to 25 mg daily. I really dislike
when they mess around with my BP medications because of the past
problems with spiking blood pressure. I do monitor my blood pressure at
home daily so I can be on top of it.
Next up this week is the mammogram and bone density test on Tuesday,
and blood work a two days later for my general doctor. Then I’m really
hoping all the testing is done for a while.
For my birthday my son and daughter in law took me out to lunch to
celebrate, lunch was at a favorite Italian restaurant, the food was very
good and the company lovely. On Saturday my sister and great niece
Tessa took me out to lunch and brought along a birthday cake along with a
chocolate edible candle.
I just love the sunflowers on this cake, I sent the remainder of the
cake home with my sister, her husband has a sweet tooth so I know it
would be appreciated and so much better then sending home a slice. I
don’t eat cake very often so the slice I had was enough. It was funny
to have the cake after I told my son NO cake this year, if anything just
a few cupcakes, my son loves cake, so after lunch we each chose a piece
of cake for dessert and brought it home, we had such a variety we cut a
small piece of each and enjoy carrot cake, orange creamcicle cake and
my choice NY Cheesecake plain. Believe me when I say those cakes tasted
great and it was so much better to have a bite of each then an entire
slice. My great niece Tessa is 8 years old and picked out the perfect
gifts for me, a lovely straw hat, blue beach towel and a tote bag with
art work from one of my favorites Leoma Lovegrove.
The 7 Moons red
blend wine was purchased by me for the bottle I want to find the dark
red blends as well, I don’t usually drink but lately I have been wanting
to try wine again.
A few new oracle decks have been added to my growing collection,
these are Goddess centered decks. This first deck The Earth Craft Oracle
with art by Danielle Boodoo-Fortune is a lovely woman of color deck,
and the cards are so colorful. I love her artwork, the deck is written
by Juliet Diaz and Lorriane Anderson
This African Goddess Affirmations deck by Abiola Abrams was a gift to me
by a friend it’s another wonderful woman of color decks. Each card has
the name of the goddess and a brief affirmation.
The third deck is an older deck given to my by a friend recently the
Goddess Inspiration Oracle is by Kris Waldherr who also created the
Goddess Tarot.
here is the update: I had 2 stents put in the heart artery a long one
and a short one, they can't do the carotid until a neuro or vascular
surgeon signs off on it. This is a rule with Medicare and most insurance
companies, apparently there was a missed step like a consultation
before I was set to have the stents so I would know about it, but the
doctors office just set me up for the surgery so they dropped the ball
and I would have been prepared to know I wasn't having the carotids
done. They are hoping the blood thinners will be enough blah blah blah.
So now I am on Plavix (again) for 6 months to a year. I have to do
nothing for 2 days no driving just rest and then no real activity or
lifting for a week.
Then on July 27th I arrived at the cardiologist office and they couldn't find my name on the appointment list so I pull out my little next visit card and ooops I had the right date, right time, WRONG month. Well it did seem to be rather a quick follow up visit. LOL one of my senior moment brain pauses.
On the upside of things the cardiac rehab center called and my first visit is on August 5th that answered one of my questions I had for my doctor.
I am still working on my goddess a month hand embroidery and finally caught up and am working on the July Goddess Isis, Below is the start of the Goddess Isis for July began stitching on the evening of July 2nd so I am back on track with my months.
The inspiration for this goddess are the figurine and the altar image by
Katherine Skaggs, I like the texture of the clothing when stitched. So
far I chose DMC 820 royal blue very dark. I am going to use a variegated
floss for the wings in shades of oranges and yellows, I had thought to
use metallic thread in gold but I just think it would be too much for
the piece.
I will post all of the stitched goddess pieces on another post, I tire very easily and sitting at my desk takes a lot out of me.
I wish all of you a warm and wonderful Lughnasadh.