Monday, June 6, 2016

Week two Goddess

FOr week two if the 13 Goddesses in 13 Weeks challenge I have finished my Baba Yaga which would have been my first goddess if my iron didn't choose to stop heating at the time I was ready to heat set the crayon tinting.
She is hand embroidered and crayon tinted on white on white print cotton fabric.  Here are some interesting bits on Baba Yaga the ‘old woman’ of autumn was called Baba by the Slavic inhabitants of eastern Europe, Boba by the Lithuanians. This seasonal divinity lived in the last sheaf of grain harvested in a year, and the woman who bound it would bear a child that year. Baba passed into Russian folk legend as the awesome Baba Yaga, a witchlike woman who rowed through the air in a mortar, using a pestle for Her oar, sweeping the traces of Her flight from the air with a broom.

The challenge guidelines can be found here  as well as more Goddesses and links to see what other bloggers are creating.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A new Challenge

My first Goddess piece for the 13 Goddesses in 13 Weeks challenge which began June 1st, here is the link for the challenge
You can join anytime until December 2016 and you can use any medium you choose, for my first I decided on embroidery using one of the basic goddess patterns.

My goddess is stitched on tone on tone white print cotton fabric embroidered with 2 strands of variegated embrodiery floss, the triqutra symbol is done with 2 strands of solid yellow floss.

I was going to stick with the suggested list of ideas and make a Baba Yaga goddess using embroidery and crayon tinting when I plug in my iron to set the waxy crayon it didn't heat so I pulled the plug on that idea for now and made my little Celtic triple goddess using the triquetra to represent not only the feminine qualities of maiden, mother, crone but also the 3 qualities of the Celt Goddess Bridgid when viewed as the triple goddess, those being Art, Healing and Metalsmithing.

I may not use embroidery as the medium for all 13 of my goddesses so please check back each week to see what I've come up with or check out one of my other blogs or facebook page, and please stop by the to see the beautiful Art there.