Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leaping into March with a Spring Simmer Pot Ritual.

 The last day of February has arrived with signs of Spring popping up everywhere.  My garden has a few new plants to to perk things up and to get me into the garden this year. There is a  orange hibiscus with stunning flowers, night blooming Jasmine that just began to flower, milkweed for the butterflies and a red ruffle azalea, some lettuce, lemon grass, and marigolds and calendula to start off the season.

The sunflower that was bird sown is spent but there are several others beside the planter in bud.  Also walking in my yard I found a new yellow wildflower, perhaps bird sown as well.

I have let the weedy flowers take over part of the yard to host the early bees that have been buzzing around, along with some butterflies.  

Set Your Spring Intentions With A Simmer Pot Ritual

Step 1: Gather The Herbs And Bring To A Simmer

First select the herbs and aromatics you want to use. I try to select herbs that match the overall vibe of the intentions I’m setting for the season. I’ve listed the herbs I used for this simmer pot below but, really, anything goes here. 

Fill your simmer pot with water and add all the herbs and aromatics into the pot except for the bay leaves. Then I bring the water to a simmer over medium heat.

Step 2: Set Your Intentions

Once the water is simmering take each bay leaf and write your intentions on them. It could be the same intention written on several leaves or unique intentions written on each one. Take a few deep breaths to connect with it and really feel what the intention will be like when it manifests. Drop the bay leaf (s) in the simmer pot  stir the pot a few times clockwise visualizing the simmer pot dispersing the energy of the herbs throughout your home.

Step 3: Keep An Eye On It And Enjoy

That it! just let the simmer pot do its thing for the day, keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t run out of water. At the end of the day you can dispose of the herbs used in rituals returning them to the earth either add to your compost or bury in your garden. But if that’s just not an option just thank the herbs and dispose of them in the garbage.

Spring Intentions Simmer Pot Ingredients

I wanted my Spring Simmer Pot to bring an uplifting, hopeful, positive energy to my intentions for the season. So these are the herbs and aromatics I chose. 

  • Orange – Adds energy and passion to your creativity and is great for cleansing and purifying. 

  • Rose – A powerfully protective plant that helps you open your eyes to the beauty of the world around you. 

  • Pine – Brings abundance into your life and helps the seeds of your intentions to blossom. 

  • Calendula – Brings positivity and light to all situations. 

  • Lavender – A peaceful, protective herb that spreads uplifting energy, enhances self-love, and helps foster deeper intuition. 

  • Mint – Helps you communicate with the divine and your higher self to help you find clarity and purpose. 

  • Basil – Exudes a loving energy, invites abundance, clears negativity, and calms your spirit. 

  • Bay leaves – Dispels negative energy and brings in success, creativity, focus, and inner wisdom. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The First Week of February

 The first week of February brought some pleasant changes in the weather, just about every day began with sunshine. My walking the wheel of the year is much more pleasant when I can step out early and not have to plan a walk around the rain.

Imbolc came on a cool quiet morning bringing a surprise in my garden. Under the bird feeder there is an old planter where seeds from the birds drop. I first noticed a plant growing up in January, I imagine all the rain we had helped what I thought was a new weed until it had a large bud, I suspected a sunflower from a fallen sunflower seed.

Yesterday morning to my delight she opened and sure enough I have a beautiful sunflower growing in an old planter that actually serves to hold up the shepherds hook where the feeders are hanging.
This morning she was open full and greeting the sun, isn't she just beautiful?
I prepared an avocado pit for sprouting today, I had it soaking for 2 days in water, then peeled the outer skin from the pit, rolled it in paper towel and dampened the whole thing, slipped it into a zip close bag and now I wait for it to sprout. 

 Last year it took about 2 weeks to sprout and unfortunately the plant didn't survive too long after I planted it.  This year I am hoping for better results.  Time will tell.  I can feel Spring is in the air and with the passing of Imbolc we are nearer to Spring and I have the urge to get things planted.  I'm going to go slow this year to avoid any physical mishaps that will keep me from tending my plants,  I will most likely keep everything in containers until I feel more confident in my physical ability.  I don't want to injure myself and not be able to take care of my plants.  

Yesterday I had an ultra sound on my carotid arteries and Friday I have an echo cardiogram and the following Friday I see the doctor for my results.  I am hoping I won't need to have another stent put in the other carotid artery. 

I also have an eye exam coming up this month and surely I will need new eyeglasses cause right now I have trouble seeing with my current glasses. 

I am off for a walk later today after I go to the post office, I did the American Cancer Society walk for 31 miles in January which helped get me back into a daily walking routine, which was quite a challenge with all the rainy days we had last month.