Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice Blessings and a very Happy Yule.

 May this Winter Solstice and the Turn of the Wheel bring you Love, Peace and Good Fortune in the coming Year. Let us Welcome the returning Sun with Hope and Joy. It only gets brighter from here!

Brightly burns the Yule log tonight,
Magic dances in firelight.
Hold my hand and join the song,
Raise the Sun King bright and strong.
Dark is giving way to light,
As brightly burns the Yule log tonight.
“So the shortest day came, and the year died,
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
Came people singing, dancing,
To drive the dark away.
They lit candles in the winter trees;
…They hung their homes with evergreen;
They burned beseeching fires all night long
To keep the year alive,
And when the new year’s sunshine blazed awake
They shouted, reveling.
Through all the frosty ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us – Listen!!
All the long echoes sing the same delight,
This shortest day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, feast, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.
And so do we, here, now,
This year and every year.
Welcome Yule!!”
– Susan Cooper, The Shortest Day

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